My Story


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I had dreamed for a very long time about having breast reduction... but never thought it'd happen for me. I, like many, developed at a very early age, and due to family genes, knew I'd be very well endowed.

        I am 18 years old, 5'2", 145 lbs, small build, and have 34dd-ddd's.

        Though I am young, my breasts have always been a nuisance and a pain. I'm in a business that requires me to go to the gym 2-4 hours a day and the the back and shoulder aches held no mercy. I also do web-developement in my free time (hence this website) which requires me to be in front of the computer for hours and hours at a time. I would walk away from the computer in so much pain, I would have to lay down for a while and it would usually take a day or two to heal myself so I could get back to the computer.

        I believe I first seriously thought about Breast Reduction at age 16, but I was a young teenager and, already having the typical self-esteem issues, was too terrified of being scarred, to even give it a second thought.

        It wasn't until a year later that I became curious (and desperate) enough to start researching all I could on Breast Reduction (BR). I must have spent a zillion hours in front of that computer for the next year studying, researching, and racking my brain with every little detail, 'til I was practically desensitized to the site of surgically altered bodies!

       Finally, like fate's beautiful face, my prayers were answered...

        I love going to the gym and challenging myself in new ways, and always wanting to become more fit, I had taken an interest in the new kick boxing class being held there. But, of course, I was really embarrassed by my breasts and their never failing bouncing. It seemes no matter how much I strapped myself down, I felt like a freak with an audience and mirrors at all angles!

        Then, one day after class, I chit-chatted with the class instructor ( whom I'll refer to as Rita for her privacy) and realized that she was built a lot like myself. Voicing my concerns, she told me not to quit.

        So, I didn't. Thank (God) I didn't !....

        I continued the class for a little more than a month, 'til one day Rita didn't show up for class and one of her best students was teaching in her place.  Oh, no! I was alone with the perfect "barbie doll" student. (Nothing at all personal towards her. She is an incredibly nice person and I like her very much.) But, ugh! So, I asked her where Rita was and she told me, in private, that she was getting BR Surgery and, naturally, wouldn't be back for a while.

